Chicago's Free Medical Check-Up and Weight Loss Program

Limited spots available due to the Physicians schedule and the high demand for service. No credit card or insurance required.

Your offer ends in:


10 +

years in business

2.000 +

positive reviews

15.000 +

satisfied clients

Many +

nurses and physician assistants on staff

Who Is The Consultation For?

Chicago’s free medical check-up and weight loss consultation is for Chicago residents who are looking to lose weight so they can live a long, vibrant and healthy life, while looking good and not breaking the bank.

How Does It Work?

In this exam a certified nurse or physician will do various tests to check your overall health level and find which easy-to-do physician-supervised weight loss program will work best for you.

We Can Help You

For those of us who struggle with our weight it’s easy to lose hope. We have seen so many tricks, gimmicks and weight loss programs that simply do not work for us. They want us to eat like a pigeon, avoid all the things we love to eat and work out till we cry. We are here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way. There is hope! Technology has advanced rapidly in recent years and now, with proper guidance...

You can join the ranks of our over 15,000 satisfied clients who have lost weight, regained their confidence and are living happy exuberant lives with their family. They did this without: breaking the bank, sweating buckets in intense workout programs, and most importantly, without giving up ice-cream, bread, pizza, doughnuts and all their favorite foods.

What You’ll Get At Your Free Consultation

Body Mass Index
  • Complete understanding of your body composition
  • A clear view of your weight loss goals
  • Clear data to help you make an informed decision about your health
Vital Signs Check
  • Body temperature
  • Pulse rate, heart's rate, rhythm and regularity
  • Breathing rate
  • Blood pressure

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it free?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vel egestas dolor, nec dignissim metus. Donec augue elit, rhoncus ac sodales id, porttitor vitae est. Donec laoreet rutrum libero sed pharetra.

Why is it free?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vel egestas dolor, nec dignissim metus. Donec augue elit, rhoncus ac sodales id, porttitor vitae est. Donec laoreet rutrum libero sed pharetra.

Why is it free?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vel egestas dolor, nec dignissim metus. Donec augue elit, rhoncus ac sodales id, porttitor vitae est. Donec laoreet rutrum libero sed pharetra.